OpenCom, Inc. Acceptable Use Policy
All OpenCom. customers should read this document! Even if you don’t read it, you are still responsible for the policy written here, and your account WILL BE DISABLED WITHOUT WARNING if you violate it.
OpenCom sets forth this Acceptable Use Policy in order to protect our service, our customers, and other users of the Internet from potentially abusive actions taken by OpenCom. customers. The following policy is non-exclusive; any action about which there is doubt should be referred to OpenCom for evaluation. OpenCom may alter this policy as need dictates.
OpenCom is an Internet service provider and telephone provider. Since the internet is a service and not a product we can not guarantee that all users will be able to access it all the time. OpenCom is not responsible for computer mis-configuration or other problems a customer may have on their end. OpenCom. is not responsible for service outages on the Internet backbone. OpenCom, like other service providers, does not issue refunds for unused service and does not prorate accounts for downtime.
Section I Network Usage
Acceptable use of the OpenCom network facilities does NOT include:
Attempting to circumvent user authentication or security of any host, network, or account on OpenCom systems or on any machine not owned by the user.
Use of OpenCom systems or networks in a manner that encumbers disk space, processors, bandwidth, or other system resources so as to interfere with others’ normal use of services on OpenCom or other systems and networks.
Section III E-mail Accounts
Acceptable use of e-mail does NOT include:
Sending unsolicited mass mailings of any nature, including those with a “negative option” for continuation. The negative option is inviting those who do not wish to receive more email to reply to you.
Sending a large number of email messages, or one excessively large email message, to a single address in order to flood someone’s mailbox.
Forging email headers to obscure the true originator of the message.
Creating or participating in pyramid schemes or chain letters.
Sending harassing email, either by language, size, or frequency. This includes sending email (or real time) messages to a person who has asked explicitly that you do not.
Activities which violate local, state, or federal statutes.
Section IV Web/FTP
Acceptable use of OpenCom Web/FTP space does NOT include:
Distribution of pornographic or otherwise indecent or offending materials.
Distribution of restricted software or materials in violation of copyrights or distribution licenses.
Distribution of materials which violates local, state, or federal statutes.
OpenCom has a dedicated Personal, non-business, customer web page server. Any business web pages found on the “HOMEPAGES” server can be removed without prior notice. OpenCom reserves the right to restrict or terminate service without refund in the event of an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) violation. OpenCom also reserves the right to take action on abuse which is not specifically named in this AUP at the sole discretion of OpenCom. Use of the OpenCom systems and network constitutes understanding and agreement of this policy.